Simple Console Calculator with Python

Simple Console Calculator with Python

If you want to have Simple Console Calculator with Python project source code, the can prepare it immediately.

The is the best platform in order to do any Python project. You just need to say which project you want and then our Python team delivers the source code to you.

Everything about Simple Console Calculator with Python

console calculator menu
console calculator menu

In this project, we have a simple calculator. The program has written for the console environment. In this calculator it is possible to do four different math actions.

These actions are like this:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

At first by entering ‘a’ (addition) letter, ‘s’ (subtraction) letter, ‘m’ (multiplication) letter and ‘d’ (division) letter, the client chooses the math action.

Furthermore to work with the calculator, the program asks for two numbers. The program receives the numbers separately. After entering the numbers, the calculator shows the results. Moreover if you want to continue the specified math process, just enter ‘y’; so the process continues but if the client enters the ‘n’ the math process terminates.

Besides, if the ‘q’ letter entered, the program closes.

Some scenarios of the calculator usage are like the below images.

addition example
addition example
subtraction example
subtraction example
multiplication example
multiplication example
division example
division example
quit from simple console calculator with Python
quit from simple console calculator with Python

If you want to have the more complicated calculator python project, we can do it as you wish.

How to Order Simple Console Calculator with Python Project?

In order to buy this project’s source code, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Send us a direct message via the contact ways (Telegram or Email)
  • We respond to your message immediately
  • Tell us that which project source code you want
  • Final deal will be made on the project price
  • Site sends the project code to you
  • End

Also, if you want to do any other Python projects like this one, the can prepare it for you.

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